Mission Statement, Vision & Goals
The mission of the Washington State Fruit Commission is to develop markets and promote Washington’s stone tree fruits as part of an existing comprehensive regulatory scheme, vital to the continued economic well-being of the citizens of this state and their general welfare that its soft tree fruits be properly promoted by (a) enabling the soft tree fruit industry to help themselves in establishing orderly, fair, sound, efficient, and unhampered cooperative marketing, grading, and standardizing of soft tree fruits they produce; and (b) working to stabilize the soft tree fruit industry by increasing consumption of soft tree fruits within the state, the nation, and internationally.
To promote Washington Stone Fruit in a way that creates opportunities for the highest possible returns for growers, and to assure and support the long-term viability of the industry. To educate growers, retailers and consumers about production and benefits relative to tree fruit
The vision of the Washington State Fruit Commission is to be the most effective commodity commission possible, in the eyes of our growers. The organization must facilitate greater returns to the land.
The Washington State Fruit Commission’s goals:
- Explore and create new markets & trends to increase returns.
- Provide proactive, top-quality communications to industry/partners.
- Educate growers of all Northwest tree fruits on the ways to produce the world’s highest quality tree fruit through the Good Fruit Grower and grower education days.
- Enhance reputation & image of fresh, sweet cherries grown in the Northwest.
- Increase retail/consumer demand by creative/effective programs.
- Increase knowledge of health-giving qualities & dietetic value.
- Proactively facilitate shipper-retailer-customer relationships.